In this episode, Rob, Don and Jack Ward take a trip back to the 1970s and 1980s, when a floundering Marvel Comics was saved by barbarians, vampires, giant robots and toys soldiers. It’s the story of product tie-ins brought life back to the dying comics company, and in the process reinvented the comics industry for the time. All that, and two of the greatest Marvel comics you’ve never read, is waiting for you in this episode of The Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
Roger Corman Fantastic Four
Oswald the Rabbit
The Reluctant Dragon
Willow: The Series
Dell Comics Disney Tie-Ins
Gold Key Star Trek
Marvel’s Conan
Roy Thomas
Kull the Conqueror Comic
Marvel Tomb of Dracula
Dracula Sovereign of the Damned Anime Movie
Doc Savage
Master of Kung Fu/Deadly Hands of Kung Fu
Planet of the Apes Comics
Logan’s Run
Wizard of Oz DC/Marvel
Superman vs. Muhammad Ali
Marvel Star Wars
Marvel Hanna Barbera Comics
Marvel Godzilla Comic
Battle Fever J
The Human Fly Comic 1977
Bill Mantlo
Herb Trimpe
KISS Marvel Comics
The Micronauts Comic
Peter B. Gillis
The Shogun Warriors Comic
Force Five
Jimmy Woo
ROM: Space Knight
GI JOE Marvel Comic
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld
Crystar the Crystal Warrior Comic
Team America
U.S. ONE Comic
Transformers Marvel Comic
Simon Furman
Questprobe Afro
STAR Comics
The Congress (Movie, Robin Wright)