Welcome Operatives! In today’s show, Rob and Don explore the Ritual Satanic Abuse panic that gripped America during the 1970s and 1980s and how the game Dungeons and Dragons became wrapped up in it. Then, in the second half of the show, the pair dig deep into the cinematic roots that laid the groundwork for Satanism’s grip over the American psyche of the period. All this and 2000 Maniacs are waiting for you in this episode of the Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music: Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Episode Show Notes:
Satanic Ritual Abuse
Michelle Remembers
The McMartin Preschool Trial
Mazes and Monsters (book)
Mazes and Monsters (video- full movie)
Dark Dungeons
Geraldo on Satanism (video)
Dungeon Master’s Guide
Dungeons and Dragons
Saturday Morning PSAs (video)
Reptilian Obama
Gary Gygax Biography
Bill Nye vs Ken Ham Debate (video)
High Schools Ban D&D
Villains and Vigilantes RPG
Champions RPG
Traveller RPG
Warhammer FRPG
Realms of Chaos Book
Judge Dredd
Ghostbusters RPG
Robotech RPG
Extra Discussion:
Rosemary’s Baby (video clip)
The Devil’s Hand (video- full movie)
Blood Feast (video, trailer, gory, we got the name backwards)
The Bright Young Things
Bonnie and Clyde
New Hollywood
Hayes Code
2000 Maniacs (video, trailer, gory)
American Grindhouse