In this episode, Rob and Don sit down with Edd Vick, founder and publisher of MU Press and Comics F/X magazine, to discuss Edd’s history in comics and the independent comics scene of the 80s and 90s. Former guest Jeff Wood, one of Edd’s friends and contributors also stops by, and the four of them discuss comics culture, convention culture, and what they see as the future of comic books. All of this, and the real story of why the comics industry collapsed in the 90s are coming to you in this, the 18th episode of the Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music: Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
MU/Aeon Press
Edd Vick
Jeff Wood
Speed Racer Episodes on YouTube
Radio Caroline
UK Pirate Radio
Wonder Warthog
Stan Sakai (creator of Usagi Yojimbo)
Steve Gallacci (creator of Albedo Athropomorphics)
Donna Barr (creator of The Desert Peach)
The Desert Peach (which is as great as it is odd)
Dave Sim (creator of Cerebus the Ardvark)
Amateur Press Association (APA)
Astro City
Black Panther 2016 Comic
One Punch Man
Franken Fran
Assassination Classroom
I am a Hero.
I am a Hero movie trailer.
I’m almost sorry that I joined this conversation; Edd was doing splendidly before I barged in (and I hadn’t heard many of these stories from him, either; new to me). I was badly distracted, too, since I was fighting with my non-cooperative computer, and it was winning.
My anecdote about the Seattle 4 Superhero strip by Chris Lightfoot is not accurate; on further reflection, the strip that I was describing was never published. As I recall, it was one of the upcoming unpublished strips when the Comics F/X ground to a halt and ceased operations. I’m not even sure that the artwork for it was ever completed. We should ask cartoonist Lightfoot about his recollections.
>Edd was doing splendidly before I barged in (and I hadn’t heard many of these stories from him, either; new to me).
There was a lot of stuff during the interview…. and during our prep for it…. that he sorta just mentioned in passing…. and it was really unusual and interesting stuff. (I remember he was concerned about having enough to talk about for the interview….)
>As I recall, it was one of the upcoming unpublished strips when the Comics F/X ground to a halt and ceased operations. I’m not even sure that the artwork for it was ever completed. We should ask cartoonist Lightfoot about his recollections.
See…. there’s somebody ELSE who you know that I’ve read their stuff. You guys know EVERYBODY! (Wouldn’t happen to know Ostrander and/or Truman? Just thought I’d ask.) We could probably do a bunch more shows with you guys and your contacts…. since it looks like you were right at one of the hubs of the 80’s underground/independent scene. (And that was such a crazy time for comics….)
Don C.
I think it would take an entire series of interviews to unpack all of Edd Vick’s contacts and experiences… I was always surprised when I arrived at his home, to find various cartoon legends hanging out and watching bizarre movies and cartoons on his TV (I should mention that the VCR was always running at Edd’s house with strange, mind-bending shows… movies that I’d never heard of, sometimes in GENRES that I never heard of). His collection of weird stuff is mind-boggling, too, mostly books, but other stuff too, such as a small army of 1950s-style toy robots.
I can’t say that I know Ostrander and Truman, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they Edd personally.
>I think it would take an entire series of interviews to unpack all of Edd Vick’s contacts and experiences…
With the bits I know….yeah; I think it would. Which is weird, ‘cos he seems like such a mellow, reserved dude. You think he’d be more…. I dunno; Hunter S Thompson about it.
Don C.