In this episode, Don and Rob are joined again by Professor Otaku to discuss the legendary tabletop miniatures game Warhammer. From the original Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay to the glory that is Warhammer 40k, the trio dive deep into the dark lore of the game which rules basement tables and hobby shops across the UK. Along the way, they discuss how the game has changed over the years, the things that make the Warhammer setting unique, and their own memories of playing the game. All this, and so much fun the inquisition would outlaw it, are waiting for you in this episode of the Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
Games Workshop
White Dwarf
Citadel Miniatures
Warhammer RPG
Warhammer 40K
Rogue Trader
The Knight Sabres/Bubblegum Crisis
Age of Sigmar
Adeptus Titanicus
40K: The Dark Imperium Map
The Eldar
The Tau
This is a cool podcast.
I live in London and I noticed recently that there are more Games Workshops/Warhammer specific stores and other board game shops then video game stores.
Glad you enjoyed it! Do you live in London, UK or London, Ontario?
>there are more Games Workshops/Warhammer specific stores and other board game shops then video game stores
I don’t doubt it. Tabletop wargaming is crazy popular these days, especially throughout Europe…. but it’s pretty big here in N. America too. Games Workshop is kinda winning ‘cos they had such a head start on everybody else, but there are lots of other companies that produce comparable stuff. Lots of companies produce their own lines, or stuff that’s jjuuuusssstttt this side of copyright infringement. (And they all ship to Canada! *sigh* I need more house now….)
Board games have taken off recently too. I suspect it’s ‘cos compared to video games they’re cheap and more interactive. Video games are pretty pricey any more, especially since they offer so much “optional” material for just a slight extra fee…. (AND I have to be logged in to play. *sheesh!* I play video games specifically to BE antisocial….)
Don C.
And you mentioned Orks Nest! I bought dice there last month. 🙂
So I take it you’re in London England then? If so, the Ork’s Nest has been around for a LONG time! I remember their ads in White Dwarf back in the 80’s.
Don C.