In this episode, Rob and Don sit down with psychic medium Mary Bezaire to discuss what it’s like to see spirits and be a channel into the unknown. The three discuss a wide variety of topics, from the nature to spirit guides, to the most haunted places in Essex County, to the existence of evil spirits. All this, and the question of what happens to us after we pass on are waiting for you this episode of the Department of Nerdly Affairs.
- Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver EckeltĀ
Things Discussed:
Spirit Guides
Power Animals
Touched by an Angel
Buddhist Philosophy
Spectral Solutions (Windsor, Ontario Ghost Hunters)
Heritage VillageĀ of Essex County
Little Devil Picture (she never sent it along, sorry)
Paul Martin House (aka Harry Low House) in Windsor
Spectral Solutions Sigh Audio (couldn’t find it, maybe it was taken down?)
Ley Lines
Speaking in Tongues
The Real Annabelle (Loraine Warren)
The Conjuring
John Zaffis (The Haunted Collector)
Chip Coffey
Aleister Crowley
Andrew Jackson Davis
Arthur Findlay
White Eagle Publishing
Arthur Conan Doyle
Ruth Montgomery
Mary Summer Rain
Mountains, Meadows and Moonbeams
Doreen Virtue
Sylvia Brown
Zazen Meditation