First Group picture
— DNA Millwood Chapter (@dnamillwood) November 10, 2016
A while ago, friend of the show Jack Ward approached us about making his High School’s nerdly arts club into a branch of the Department of Nerdly Affairs. We naturally were flattered, and accepted- thus the DNA Millwood Chapter was born! Now we sit down with Anika MacMullen and her co-president Matt Bambrick to talk about the club, it’s membership, and their activities. Then Anika and Matt turn the tables on us, and interview Don and Rob about some burning questions they have about our organization. So, sit back and enjoy this very special Christmas episode of the Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
DNA Millwood Chapter Twitter Page
Leigh Brackett
Sword Art Online Progressive
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
The Dark Dungeons Pamphlet
The Sword and Lazer Podcast
SHAZAM!/Captain Marvel