In this episode, Rob and Don are joined by Jack Ward to discuss the 20th century versions of the iconic staple of U.K. science fiction – Doctor Who. The trio discuss how they first met The Doctor, the various incarnations and evolutions of the series, and how it affected their lives. All this, and which Doctor is Don’s favorite, is waiting for you in this episode of The Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
Doctor Who
The Sonic Society
Magic Shadows Documentary
“Couch Jumping”
Professor Quatermass
Space: 1999
Professor Kitzel
Trickster God
Sixties Spy Craze
The Master
Abslom Daak: Dalek Killer
Interview with Tom Baker from 1981
Hammer Horror
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Genesis of the Daleks