In this episode, Don and Rob cast a look back in time to the 20th century and look at comic book and film genres that were once popular but have faded into the past. Hillbillies, Funny Animals and Greek demi-gods abound in this journey into the vaults of time. All this, and the amazing art of Mel Birnkrant, is waiting for you in this episode of The Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
Cracked Podcast – How We Get the Old West Wrong
Hillbilly Comics
L’il Abner
The Hooterville Trilogy
The Beverly Hillbillies
Deliverance (film)
Sports Comics
Joe Palooka
Anthology Comics
Heavy Metal Magazine
Jungle Comics
Romance Comics
Funny Animal Comics
Howard the Duck
Movie Adaptation Comics
Dell Comics
Gold Key/Disney/Dell Comics Connection
Kids Comics
Star Comics
Animax Toys
Starship A.R.C.
Gag Comics
Archie Ripoffs (part1/part2/part3/part4)
Meet Corliss Archer
Dan Decarlo
Erotic Comics
Singing Cowboy Films
Sword and Sandal Films (wikipedia – scroll down the whole page, I dare you!)
MST3K Heracules Films on YouTube
Luchador Films
Beach Movies/Teen Sex Romp