In this episode, Rob and Don delve into the weird and wacky world of fandom. They talk about their own fandom backgrounds, explore modern fandom’s roots, and talk about how it evolved. Along the way, they discuss fandom’s positive side, and try to define toxic fandom. All this, and why the My Little Pony RPG is D&D for kids, is waiting for you in this episode of the Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
Anime London
Universal Monster Movies
Jeff Wood
Rowerbrazzle (Hey! I’m on the internets!)
Amateur Press Associations (APAs)
Dr. Who Preservation Society
Star Fleet/X-Bomber
Voltron Shiro Controversy
Rule 34
Pendant Productions
Star Trek: Axanar
Fake Geek Girls Ty Templeton Comic
Slash Fiction
Steven Universe Toxic Fandom
My Little Pony RPG
The Flumph
Cosmic Patrol RPG
Ooh! Thanks for the shout-out!
It was my understanding that RowrBrazzle is not posted online as some of the members post “private” musings, and do not want widespread distribution. Individual members are free to post their own contribs, though… I thinking about posting mine on my SnowBuni site (which barely exists right now, needs content).
>It was my understanding that RowrBrazzle is not posted online as some of the members post “private” musings, and do not want widespread distribution.
Yeah…. there’s been some….er…. spirited debate over the years. Also; there’s a lot of personal references and history that’d be baffling to anyone not involved in the community.
Don C.
Don does a passable voice imitation of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.
More than passable. It’s like he was born to it!
…makes you wonder what other secret talents does he harbor…?
Does my uncanny resemblance to Tor Johnson count?
Don C.
The organized Star Wars cosplay club that you had mentioned is the 501st Legion.
They do cosplay and charity work. From their website:
“…The Legion is an all-volunteer organization formed for the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts under a collective identity within which to operate. The Legion seeks to promote interest in Star Wars through the building and wearing of quality costumes, and to facilitate the use of these costumes for Star Wars-related events as well as contributions to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work…”
I’ve seen many of their members at various media-related venues, and the are always pleasantly professionally, and exquisitely outfitted with Hollywood-grade (or better) costumes, gear, and droids. As our favorite Sith Lord might say, “Impressive. ….MOST Impressive.”
Regarding pre-internet fan activities, I first logged onto Usenet in the fall of 1984 at the University of Washington (Seatte, WA, USA). Mostly for alt.fan.furry (formerly alt.fan.albedo), but also the newspaper cartoon artist appreciation boards.