In this episode, Don and Rob sit down with their friend Jack Ward to help him construct a tabletop RPG system for his Audio Drama series Spaceways Starring Biff Straker. In the process, the trio discuss the benefits of different dice systems, damage systems, character design approaches, and how to bring the feels to an RPG. All this, and the My Little Pony RPG, are waiting for you in this episode of the Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
Spaceways Starring Biff Straker
Champions RPG
Doc Savage
Jake Samson
Car Wars
Cartoon Action Hour
Morrow Project
Vampire the Masquerade
The D6 System
Xena the Warrior Princess
Space 1889
Star Trek FASA RPG
My Little Pony RPG
Star Wars (West End Games)
Mekton (First Edition)
Have you guys thought of uploading copies of your episodes somewhere else? I mean, i have now tried to download this episode 5 or 6 times, and the most complete download was 1h32min long. It just cuts off before its fully downloaded. I’ll try to redownload this some other day.. 🙁
I dont know if there are any free mp3 hosting sites (is soundcloud free?) but you could always upload to youtube. People could download the mp3 file from youtube, by simply installing some add-on for their browser. Sure its a bit complicated, but at least we could listen to the whole podcast.
Also if you upload to youtube, you could take advantage of it and make the podcast into a slideshow. Like show pictures of what you are talking about.
I finally managed to download an mp3 file of this episode that was 2h19m long! I think i will listen to this and not bother to try to get the full episode (same thing happened with episode 60. the most complete version had like 10 minutes missing from the end)
Hi Mursku,
I’m sorry you had difficulty downloading the episodes. I doubled checked, and it seems to download fine on my end; however, there was a typo and the episode should indeed just be 2hrs 19mins long. So, you have the complete episode if that’s the length you got. Episode 60, however is definitely 1hr 54 mins long.
Hmmmm…. I’ve had a few problems downloading as well. As Rob can attest, I’m something of a Luddite and my system is kinda mad scientisted together because of it; so I always figure it’s me. What works for me is to right click the “Play in new window” option, then hit “save target as” on the drop down.
There’s some weird bit of coding that my system interprets a little odd, so it sometimes clocks out the download jjuuussstttt before completing it. After downloading I’ll do a quick play of the file, zooming right to the last minute or two. If I hear some sweet guitar riffs I know I got the whole thing.
Don C.
Your trick worked. Everytime i downloaded episodes by using the “Download file” link, it would then have the text “Unknown time left” in the downloads window for the file (and most of the time it would cut short).
But when i save the file from the “Play in new window” it works every time (i use win7 and firefox).