In this episode, Rob and Don sit down with horror author Paul E. Cooley to talk about his genre of choice. The three discuss exactly what horror is, Don’s Eight Types of Horror, and the good and bad sides of podcasting your work. All this, and a heaping helping of Dead Robots’ Society lore, are waiting for you in this episode of The Department of Nerdly Affairs.
Closing Music:
Ode to Joy performed by Oliver Eckelt
Things Discussed:
Shadow Publications (Paul’s Homepage)
Dead Robots Society Podcast – Writers on Writing
Tor Johnson
HP Lovecraft
Logan’s Run
Slasher Horror
M (film)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
John Carpenter
David Cronenberg
The Thing (1982)
Shivers (Cronenberg)
Canadian Content Rules
Dead Ringers
The Curse of the Cat People
The Cat People (Natasha Kinski)
Salem’s Lot Window Scene
Nightmares Red White and Blue
The Exorcist
Child’s Play
Hell House
A Bottle Story
Unfriended (film)
John Wayne Gayce
Jeffry Dahmer
Grim’s Fairy Tales
Christopher Walken Goodnight Moon (Video)
The Yellow King
Urban Fantasy
Nick Knight
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Nightmare on Elm Street Ad
The Black
The Intruder Within
Severed Press
Phil Rossy
Scott Sigler
Jake Bible
Ed Lorne
Matt Wallace
Terry Mixon